Cleaning without water! VULCANET® is the first complete environmentally friendly cloth for cleaning motorcycles, cars, boats, scooters, etc. Contains 1 can of Vulcanet® with 80 cloths and 1 microfibre cloth.
Get rid of water, sponge, cleaning products, buckets, brushes, chamois, asphalt solvents, rim cleaner, glass cleaner, insect removal products, non-recyclable packaging and gallons of wastewater! An environmentally friendly cloth that takes up little space and contains no waste. Avoid wet feet, waste of water and cleaning agents, and no more time scrubbing.
With the Midi Vulcanet® the wipes are 50% smaller than the standard Vulcanet® wipes.
This all-in-one solution includes:
The use of VULCANET® is possible everywhere. No water tap or wastewater drain required. Rinsing is not necessary, all you need is enough space around your motorcycle.
Package contents:
1 can of Vulcanet® with 60 wipes and 1 microfibre cloth.